Paradise Golf has been serving Tampa Bay golfers since 1999. We strive
to provide exceptional golfing values for our members as well as
multiple sources of yield management for our participating golf courses.
Monday through Friday 7:30am - 4pm - Call 813-265-3338
After Hours weekdays & weekends please email and we will respond ASAP.
Paradise Tee Times
PO Box 340869
Tampa, FL 33694
The main number above is typically answered from 7:30am
until 4pm Mon-Fri but if have a situation such as a rainout occurs, please leave a
message if someone doesn't answer. We will get back to you as soon as
possible, typically no later than a few hours from your call.
On your message, please leave the following information:
) Full Name
2) Course Name you are
calling about
3) Phone Number we can
reach you
Y Your message should be brief; it is not necessary to tell us your confirmation number if your message is in reference to a tee time issue.
Thanks, Management